Emily, a Maryland native born in DC, has called Montgomery, Howard, and Baltimore counties her home for her entire life, except for a brief chapter in North Carolina where she earned her B.S. in Marketing. With a deep understanding of the transient nature of the Baltimore-Washington areas, Emily is well-versed in the complexities and ever-changing dynamics of the real estate markets.
Boasting a full 25 years of dedicated experience in the real estate industry, Emily passionately embraces her career. Her rich resume is a testament to her tireless commitment to clients, a track record of undeniable success, and an unwavering vision for the future. This powerful combination ensures an outstanding experience and strong representation for her clients.
Beyond her professional achievements, Emily is a fortunate wife and mother to one exceptional daughter and two Boston Terriers. Her relentless pursuit revolves around helping clients establish real estate wealth and achieve life balance. Emily places a top priority on this mission, and her clients can attest to her hands-on approach. Not afraid to roll up her sleeves to get any job done, Emily maintains an unwavering commitment to high professional standards and integrity.